National Research

While there has been substantial research in a number of countries (e.g., Russia, Japan, South Korea, China, Taiwan), comparatively little research on the positive and far-reaching effects of Forest Therapy as a Public health practice has been conducted in Europe, Australia or countries in the global South.

INFTA collaborates with governmental and organisational stakeholders in several countries to conduct further, necessary research projects.

Here, INFTA has taken the initiative to establish research links to renowned universities, faculties and institutes interested to collaborate. Likewise, INFTA is engaged actively in research projects with a variety of partners. Further to this, INFTA’s role is to disseminate research findings among the wider community nationally and internationally. In this context, it is crucial for INFTA to rely on experienced and well-published academics, researchers and practitioners as Founding Members and Associate Members as well as on its Advisory Board.

One of the currently ongoing projects is the collaboration with the Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria. Here, INFTA and the Institute of Forests Therapy have begun to collect health data from participants of the regular guided Forest Therapy walks. One of the key findings is that the stress levels reported by participants before and after each guided Forest Therapy event dropped significantly by about 40%! This underscores the remarkable health effect guided Forest Therapy walks have on all of us.