The INTERNATIONAL NATURE AND FOREST THERAPY ALLIANCE (INFTA) was founded in 2017 as a not-for-profit association registered with Consumer Affairs Victoria (registration number: A0100437H). It is led by an Executive Committee which is elected by INFTA’s members annually. INFTA’s management is privileged to also rely on the expertise and support its international Advisory Board.
INFTA has been set up in response to the growing need for a peak body to represent the manifold activities of people, companies and organisations in the area of Forest Therapy as a Public health practice. INFTA reflects the growing demand for a unified public and professional voice with regards to Forest Therapy.
INFTA is committed to establish Forest Therapy as an evidence-based Public health practice through collaborations and partnerships with research, education and Public health bodies across the globe, such as the Australian Global Health Alliance, the American College of Lifestyle Medicine or the Waldklimafonds. Through these networks, INFTA contributes to research, develops and conducts training at different levels and for different target populations and creates awareness about the Public and mental health benefits of Forest Therapy.
INFTA’s mission is to make Forest Therapy accessible and affordable for the health & wellbeing of people worldwide.
INFTA’s logo has been chosen quite deliberately. It shows the molecular model of alpha-pinene, perhaps the most common phytoncide world-wide. Phytoncides are bioactive chemicals emitted from trees and plants which are part of their immune systems. They are also referred to as terpenes or volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Phytoncides bear significant physiological and medical properties with regards to the health of human beings. Alpha-pinene is a very prevalent phytoncide found, among others, in pine trees, cypress trees, cedars but also in oak and eucalypt trees.
INFTA is a not-for-profit association registered with Consumer Affairs Victoria (reg. no.: A0100437H)