INFTA CPD Application Form

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Please complete and submit the INFTA CPD Application Form below in order to renew your accreditation with INFTA. Thank you.

(applicants from outside Australia please select ‘other’)
Please note that INFTA reserves the right to inspect the relevant licences and insurance policies which you are required to have to conduct guided Forest Therapy walks.
Please list the name and specifics of each license and insurance policy.
How many Forest Therapy sessions did you guide during the last twelve months? Please select the appropriate number and complete the table below indicating the location, date, duration and number of participants for up to 10 Forest Therapy sessions.
Forest Therapy events in which you only assisted an INFTA-Certified Forest Therapy Guide do not count.
Did you participate in any CPD workshop offered by INFTA, its accredited training providers or partner organisations during the last 12 month?
Please select the appropriate option and complete the table below indicating the type of workshop and date you participated. Add specifics about the CPD workshop if it was not conducted by INFTA.
(your response should not exceed 200 words)
(for verification, please type your full name again)
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* fields are required to be completed