SMIP FT – Post-survey

Welcome to the Forest Therapy Post-survey

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Research for the benefits of international students

Thank you for having joined today’s Forest Therapy session. We hope you enjoyed the event.

To find out how effective Forest Therapy was for you, please complete this brief post-survey. It contains questions about how you perceived and enjoyed the Forest Therapy session and any changes you might notice in how you are feeling. The post-survey will take approximately 5-10 minutes to be completed. You can opt out of completing the post-survey at any time but once you have submitted your responses, these are anonymized and deletion of this data is not possible and feasible.

Of course, all data provided by you is kept strictly confidential and in full accordance with all privacy laws and regulations. Any private data which would allow identification of individual participants will be anonymized. We have also made a Plain Language Statement available for you to download and read by clicking the link. Feel free to ask any of our staff should you have any questions.


Step 1 of 5

Research Study:

Forest Therapy for International Students (FTIS)

Responsible Organisation:

International Nature and Forest Therapy Alliance (INFTA)

This study is being carried out by INFTA as part of the Study Melbourne Inclusion Program (SMIP) funded by the Victorian Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions (DJSIR). We value and thank you for your voluntary participation to assist us in this research project.

* required to answer

1. Participation and ID

* required to answer
please type your first name
please type the last 4 digits of your phone number